The All Inclusive
Fitness Program
Assess your Wants, Needs & Complete Fitness Assessment
Personal Trainer with Assistance of Master Program Developer Creates a Customize Health & Fitness Program for you.
Track Vitals, Progress, Goals, Habits & Compliance via the Student Portal and Pliagility's Cutting-Edge Application
Train, Monitor, Coach & Mentor Student. Trainer is the Carrot and when Appropriate the Stick. We become your All In Fitness & Health Coach & Buddy
At Home/Office Lite
Exercise Equipment Necessary is Bands. NYC Home, NYC Park, NYC Office or Online Globally. Many of our students never need to graduate to another program.
Pliagility Lite Program
*Pliagility Lite 101
*Pliagility Lite 201
At Home/Office
Exercise equipment includes Bands, Bosu Ball, and a Kettlebell. Online Globally, in NYC home, NYC office, in a NYC park.
Pliagility Home Program
*Pliagility Home 101
*Pliagility Home 201
*Pliagility Home 301
*Pliagility Home 401
Most gyms are adequate if they include some free weights, cables, bench press, squat rack and cardio equipment. Most apartment gyms are adequate.
Pliagility Gym Program
*Pliagility Gym 201
*Pliagility Gym 301
*Pliagility Gym 401
We custom make programs for runners, bodybuilders, weightlifters, golfers and professional athletes. We custom design these programs based on the specific need of the students. We conduct classes online globally and offline in the New York City Metropolitan area.